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Schedule for the day

Mark Alleyne, Marlborough College

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Are parents invited?

Yes. Marlborough College are delighted to welcome parents of selected team members to attend the day. The more the merrier!

Will there be refreshments?

Refreshments will be available throughout the day for parents. We ask the schools to bring their own packed lunches please!

What happens if it rains?

A call will be made on the weather at 7.30am on the morning of the event. At this point schools will be informed should we need to cancel.

Is there anyone I can contact on the day?

The School Notices team will be available on the day and you can reach Antonia on 07795 341333.

Will there be a photographer on the day?

Absolutely and there will also be the opportunity to purchase photos post the event.

Is it easy to park?

There is lots of space and the car parks will be signposted when you get to the college.

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