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Is your relationship with alcohol uncomfortable?

Is it controlling you, instead of you controlling it?

I am a qualified Alcohol Mindset Coach and host of The Big Drink Rethink podcast.

Through my coaching programmes, I help you rethink and reconfigure your mindset, beliefs and behaviour around drinking. Ultimately to look at alcohol from an empowered place, and make it small and insignificant.


The goal is control and happiness; a life that you don't want to escape from, through alcohol or any other sabotaging behaviour.


My coaching is a personal calling because my own drinking got way out of control over the course of a long, career in the advertising industry. Whilst keeping up external appearances as a successful Strategy Director, a secretive, perpetual cycle of drinking, failed moderation and self-loathing left me exhausted.

How could I be successful in other aspects of life but feel such a failure in this one? Why could I not control alcohol? Why was it my answer to everything? Internal conflict dominated my headspace, stole my time and sapped my energy. Alcohol literally diminished me and made my life small - massively impacting on my mental health, my marriage, my professional performance, my social life and my ambition.

Using the approach I now coach, I have taken my power back and made alcohol irrelevant in my life. So much so, that I choose not to drink at all, improving every dimension of my life in ways I would never have expected.

Personally and professionally, the energy and drive that I knew in my 20s and 30s has re-emerged to fuel my 50s. I believe I am capable of anything. You can feel the same way.


As a Certified Coach with This Naked Mind, I combine their methodology, my personal life experience and my professional strategic skills, to help you develop a powerful mindset, and identify, challenge and reshape your drinking beliefs and behaviours.

Together we will understand what jobs you are giving alcohol to do - and equip you with better tools. So you won’t NEED it and you can CHOOSE not to drink it.

Check out my my website below for further information or Email me via the orange button.


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