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What career will you go into?

A common question asked of many sixth formers today, most don’t have a clue and rightly so! This November the ‘Alternative Careers Week’ presents eight young, innovative professionals speaking candidly about following their dreams and turning them into their future careers. The highs, the lows and everything in-between on converting your passions to professions.

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Discover more about our speakers


James Parker

Investment Manager
Octopus Energy Generation

Whilst studying Business and Economics at university, James’ elected modules on climate change and sustainability really piqued his interest. He sought work experience to give him a greater understanding of the renewable energy sector, which subsequently enabled him to develop a career path in finance that incorporates his desire to make positive impact.

Zoe Rice

Social Media Expert

Having studied Theatre and English at school and Theatre & Film at Bristol University, Zoe became fascinated with all aspects of film production and in particular, music production. Using these skills she created her first podcast in 2020 and now manages social media for a very successful makeup brand which relies heavily on the power of TikTok.

Tatton Spiller

Simple Politics

Tatton is the founder of Simple Politics which has over a million followers on social media. When things are complex in the news, people turn to him and his team for explanation. He took a keen interest in politics from an early age and this remained with him throughout his career in teaching, journalism to now running this hugely successful news platform.

Alistair Russell

Investment Manager

From crypto, to bitcoin, to web3, Alistair’s job is to discover and invest in the next ‘Super Founder’ – companies such as Revolut, that will change the technology landscape. These areas of future technology didn’t exist when he was at school but his interest in finance and modules from his uni course, led him down this fascinating career path.

George Cottle

Onside Law

From ambitions of being a professional footballer at school, to focusing a sporting passion into your career, George has done just that. George specialises in dispute resolution and regulatory matters at Onside Law working with football clubs, players and sport governing bodies, so allowing his interest for sport to be part of his everyday.

Dr. Anna Morrison

Amazing Apprenticeships

Anna is the founder and Director of Amazing Apprenticeships, a progressive and forward-thinking organisation that works with government, schools, colleges and many of the country’s biggest employers. Find out from Anna how taking a degree apprenticeship could put you in the best possible position for your future career.

Johnnie Thompson


From an informal chat with the producer of Harry Potter whilst at uni, Johnnie’s interest and love of the film industry was truly ignited. After a few years as a Chartered Accountant, Johnnie entered the magical world of Disney, riding the wave as digital media took off. His background in finance and languages has paved the way for a fascinating career.

Lockie Cunningham


From a young age Lockie and his cousin were coming up with new ideas, but it was on their gap year in 2015 that the concept of creating comfortable and stylish footwear which could also be sustainable and manufactured ethically was born. They ran the business alongside uni studies and 4 years later, SANS MATIN is a staple to the fashion elite.

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