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Revision tech for teens

Erika is a mobile app for teens that gives them the tools to self-regulate their social media use for improved health, study focus, sleep/recovery and daily balance.

Erika gives teens the ability to make distracting apps disappear when they need to – at the touch of a button (for study), to a schedule (for school or sleep hours) or when a desired social media usage limit has been reached in their day.

They earn points for unplugging, can work to goals, compete with friends and will soon get brand rewards for hitting their unplug goals for extra motivation.

Erika is the answer for parents concerned about their teen’s social media use after-school and in holidays; an everyday solution that augments school policies and a solution that equips teens with self-regulation skills they will depend on in adult life.

Sign up now using discount code NOTICED20 for 20% off an annual plan.


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