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Marsdens’ delicious fudge

Alex started Marsdens Confectionery in 2001. We are a family run business based in Kintbury, Berkshire and our multi award winning fudge and chocolate truffles are handmade using traditional recipes. Our multi-award winning signature Vanilla Fudge is made using Alex’s Grandmother's recipe, a traditional recipe without the use of additives or artificial colours or flavours.

Whilst it has a smooth, creamy melt-in-the-mouth consistency, it is also delightfully crumbly and has often been likened to Scottish Tablet and Vogue Magazine described the Vanilla Fudge as "second to none".

Marsdens Confectionery award winning fudge makes a fabulous present for anyone, or just a greedy treat for yourself! We also produce custom orders for weddings, birthdays or any other special occasions and corporate events.

Our quality focused ethos ensures that not only get a product that's made to the highest of standards, but also one that is completely natural and most importantly guaranteed to be delicious.


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