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Postcard from… New Zealand

The Richardson Family from Twyford School and Downe House take an RV around NZ

Why did you choose New Zealand?

I am originally from there and had always wanted to show our children the South Island which is so famous for its gorgeous scenery and adventure based activities. Travelling in an RV gave us the freedom and flexibility we needed to park up for the night in the most beautiful remote places.

What were the trip highlights?

There were so many! Sailing through the stunning Marlborough Sounds. Whale watching off the coast of Kaikoura and finding a large

pod of rare Fin Whales – second in size only to the Blue Whale. The kids loved white water rafting the Buller river,  Zip-lining across the Kawerau river, go-karting down the side of a mountain in Queenstown, and the Shotover River jet boat – a crazy fast high-speed ride through the canyons. 

Were there any low points?

Emptying the RV’s bathroom waste is definitely a memory better off forgotten!

What was the one essential piece of kit that you wouldn’t travel without?

The “Rankers Camping NZ” app which helped us find the most amazing places to stay and allowed us the flexibility to not have to plan too rigidly or book too far ahead. 

Your advice to others thinking of doing the same?

Don’t let the long flight time put you off! It gives a great excuse for an amazing stopover. We stopped in Tokyo for a few days and absolutely loved it. 

Where are you off to on your next big adventure?

We’re all keen to stay a little closer to home this summer – France with the dogs… and then maybe start planning a trip to China and Taiwan!


Got itchy feet? Check out our Postcard from… series for more inspiration!

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