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ChatTee by name…

We speak to inspirational sibling entrepreneurs,  who are using their tech skills to shout about the charities close to their hearts

Will (Winchester College), Hermione (Downe House) and Archie Heseltine (Summer Fields) have created their own start up venture, ChatTee, selling slogan T-shirts.

W: “The idea behind ChatTee came after a wet Easter holidays at home, when mum suggested we use our tech knowledge to learn new skills and help others.

Whilst we couldn’t decide on just one activity, we could all agree on one idea – to create slogan t-shirts that spread the message on issues relevant to us and our friends and raise money for charities close to our hearts. £5 of every T-shirt sale (£22) goes to charity.”

Will supports:

The Plastic Ocean Foundation UK

“I want to raise awareness of the harm that plastic is causing, not only to the planet, but also to human health, and I really believe our generation can stop plastic getting into the oceans.”

I have always been interested in natural history and was shocked by the state of the oceans after watching  Jo Ruxton’s film, The Plastic Ocean. Sir David Attenborough described it as “one of the most important films of our time” and so I chose to support The Plastic Ocean Foundation UK. I want to raise awareness of the harm that plastic is causing, not only to the planet, but also to human health, and I really believe our generation can stop plastic getting into the oceans.”

“Without The Blue, There is No Green”, is a quote by marine biologist and one of Time  magazine’s ‘Heroes for the Planet’, Dr. Sylvia Earle, who kindly allowed us to use it.

Hermione supports:

Young Minds

“Young Minds are leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered whatever the challenges and I want to help show that it is OK to ask for help.”

I have chosen to support Young Minds as mental health is something we all have to look after whatever our age. Young minds really matter and with social media, exam pressure and body image concerns, it is important not to feel alone.  Young Minds are leading the fight for a future where all young minds are supported and empowered whatever the challenges and I want to help show that it is OK to ask for help.”

Before we could start on the designs, we each approached our chosen charity to see if they liked our idea and thankfully they did and have all been so helpful. Having found out more about their work, we chose slogans that were relevant to the charity but were also words and colours that our friends would wear. Friend and Be Kind to Your Mind encapsulates the support and help that Young Minds gives.

Archie supports:


“ …if someone asks why are you brave when they see you wearing your T-shirt, we can help raise awareness of Sentebale’s work.”

I discovered a charity called Sentebale on Instagram by following one of their ambassadors, the polo player Nacho Figueras. Sentebale supports the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, many my age, affected by HIV in Lesotho and Botswana.

The charity’s programmes of education and care provide the tools and knowledge these vulnerable children need to live long, happy, healthy lives in the future. Stigma remains a major factor preventing youth accessing lifesaving health services, with HIV the leading cause of death in adolescents in Africa.

It took some time to come up with the slogans. For Sentebale, brave is a very powerful word. It describes what the children have to be when dealing with the effect of HIV but is also a word that can be worn on a T-shirt in a more relaxed way. If someone asks “why are you brave?” when wearing your T-shirt, we can help raise awareness of Sentebale’s work – as with all of our slogans.

How to buy a ChatTee T-shirt:

H: We sell ChatTees for £22 in kids sizes aged 2-12 and all adult sizes with £5 of every sale going to our charities. Look out for new designs that we’ll be launching in the run up to Christmas, plus we are working on new products for 2019 which 

are top secret!
A: We’d love to help raise awareness for other charities so do get in touch if you would like to have a chat!

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