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Grab that bargain!

With the Summer Sales looming and our kids about to break up, who has time to scour the shops and websites for the best bargains?  We certainly don’t!  PIWoP’s clever pandas can help you find the best sale items at the lowest prices without spending hours on the hunt.  
So, make sure you get ahead of the game and grab those bargains at the lowest prices before they sell out…

PIWoP (Price I Want to Pay) is the price drop alert tool that changes the way you shop online.

It’s so simple. Find that something you’ve always wanted, say what you want to pay and leave the PIWoP panda to do the rest. Your panda will alert you when the items you want, from where you saw them, fall to or below your chosen price.

Registration is FREE and you can then PIWoP as many items as you wish, from “boring” repeat purchases (so if the price falls you can buy a few weeks/months supply) to more “if only” items that you might buy, but only if their prices fall (eg Sunglasses, Jeans, Shoes, etc).

Only after you have had 5 alerts/PANDAs (PriceAlertNotificationatDesiredAmounts – get it?!) do we invite you to subscribe to keep saving with the Pandas’ help – even then it’s just £4.79 every 6 months (but the saving you made should cover it!).

You can even donate to the WWF to say thank you to those clever pandas that saved you money – Save money – Save Pandas!

Click here to find out more on how easy it is to register and get your panda do all the hard work.


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