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How to stay cool (literally!)

With temperatures still soaring and a national shortage of fans (lucky you if you got there first!), here’s a few ideas for you and your family to stay cool, calm and collected in the heat, especially at night…

  • Have a cool foot bath to help lower your body temperature
  • Wear light coloured pure cotton clothes and sleep in cotton bed linen
  • Create a cross breeze in your home…open windows overnight at opposite sides of the house (this only works at night if the outside temperature is cooler)
  • Keep your bedroom curtains closed during the day
  • Apply ice packs or cold compresses on your pulse points – armpits, wrists, groin, inner elbows, backs of knees
  • We’ve not tried it, but heard that hanging a wet sheet in front of an open window cools the air as it blows in through the window…we’ll try anything right now!
  • A cool shower just before bedtime – or just dunk your feet in cool water before you jump into bed!
  • Stay hydrated – water is your best friend!
  • A cooling glass of water just before bedtime – we perspire a lot  at night and dont want to become dehydrated
  • Going to bed with a cold “hot” water bottle – fill it with cold water and put it in the fridge before bedtime!
  • Eating cooling foods such as cucumber, strawberries, melon, mint
  • Ice lollies – make some homemade fresh fruit lollies to keep the whole family cool – literally just stick a stick in some fruit (bananas, water melon etc) and shove in the freezer!


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