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Bahamas holiday for sale

£ 4,000.00

This is a superb opportunity to enjoy the Bahamas at a substantially reduced price. Originally purchased in a charity auction, unfortunately, our plans have changed and we are no longer able to go ourselves. We can provide written confirmation from both the charity and prize donor to verify its authenticity and permission to re-sell. What’s it all about?

The Delphi Club on Abaco Island in the Bahamas is the foremost saltwater fly-fishing destination in the Bahamas, but it is so much more. A luxurious, colonial-style lodge with just 8 guest bedrooms, it overlooks almost a mile of crescent-shaped beach without another property in sight. It is not unusual to see dolphins among other marine life in the crystal-clear water from the balcony outside the great room. The restaurant is a destination in itself for many people on Abaco with its world-class offerings.

So, whether you are chasing double digit bonefish, permit or triggerfish with hugely experienced guides in world-class skiffs or just looking to relax, this is truly the destination to choose.

1 week stay for £4000 for two people (normal RRP over £8000).

To be taken by May 2025.

For more information please contact me.


Price: £ 4,000.00

Price type: One off

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