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Tutoring (History, Geography, Politics)

Hi my name is Caspian, and I am currently offering up my services as a history/ Geography/ Politics/English Tutor.

I received three A’s at A Level studying History, Geography and Politics and graduated Radley College in 2022. I am currently studying at Exeter University. Before this I spent the summer in America coaching kids a variety of sports and activities.

I would be more than happy to offer my services to your child if they desired any help in the above mentioned subjects. I appreciate this is a difficult time of year for students with exams on the horizon and extra help is never a bad thing, especially this time of year. Equally if you need someone to help your child let off some steam playing some sport or games I would also be happy to help in this respect.

Please DM me if you you think I might be of service to you, or find me on the details below.

Mobile: 07749861781

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Job type: Available (I'm looking for a job)

Position type: Part-time

Salary type: Per hour

Salary: £ 30-50

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