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Scholarships Flow for Pupils at Westbourne House School

A huge 27 Year 8 pupils at Westbourne House School, Chichester, representing just over the half the year group, have been awarded a total of 36 scholarships by some of the country’s best-known senior schools.

These include Brighton College, Cranleigh, Harrow, Marlborough, Millfield, Lancing, Seaford and Portsmouth Grammar School. The awards were made for a wide range of disciplines including academics, music, sport, choral, art, chess, equestrian and drama. Four pupils were also given scholarships for their all-round ability.

Headmaster, Martin Barker, commented, “It is the combination of our inclusive approach, rich and broad curriculum and energetic teachers that empowers children to discover and make the most of their strengths, whether they be in art, drama, poetry, music, maths, sport or all-round. There is the opportunity for every child to excel at Westbourne House.”

Barbara Langford, Director of Studies, added, “We are devoted to working with each child to encourage them to develop the attributes, values and skills that will enable them to be their best. Our scholars show a genuine delight in being challenged and we are proud that each child has the opportunity to follow their passion and reach their full potential.”

From September, Westbourne House will be introducing a cutting-edge teaching and learning framework called High Performance Learning. Martin Barker explains “Westbourne House has always strived to develop well-rounded individuals who are confident both socially and academically, who show concern for others and who are prepared for the challenges of life in the outside world. We fully understand that success is not limited to examination results. For us, successful pupils are those who not only achieve academic excellence but who also develop a much wider set of values and attitudes that are at the heart of our ethos. Industry leaders look for creativity, adaptability, resilience, critical thinking and intellectual confidence. These are all skills that the High Performance Learning approach systematically teaches.”


If you’re looking for your child’s next school, then be sure to check out The Inside Scoop – our ultimate schools’ guide with unique behind the scenes access from the parents themselves!

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