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Should you choose primary or pre-prep for your child?

Primary or Pre-Prep? The burning question we’re sure you’ve all been mulling over. We speak to Cheam’s Head of Pre-Prep, Jenifer Hillman, to get her insights on why she believes a Pre-Prep education could be the right choice for your little one.

Higher standard of education

There is something very special about a Pre-Prep. It offers high staffing ratios so that the children take the first steps of their educational journey feeling nurtured, secure and supported in their academics. Teachers are able to take the time to get to know the children in their class, and therefore cater for their individual educational needs through differentiated groups that can be either adult or child led, depending on the activity and ability instead of necessity. The high standards of reading, writing and maths are an accepted part of the attention that teachers are able to give to each child.

More diverse opportunity

A Pre-Prep also offers opportunity. The small classes and high standard of teaching ensures that the academics can be enhanced by other areas of the curriculum such as woodland learning, daily sport sessions, French and music lessons and drama.

Whatever interest your child enjoys, a Pre-Prep is able to develop that interest and allow your child to shine. And when a child is confident in his or her ability in one area, then that confidence will disseminate into all other areas of the curriculum.

Extra curriculars

Pre-Preps are not constricted by government. They have the freedom to respect the individuality of each child and to give them the life skills of resilience, confidence and independence that are so important in the world outside school.

These skills cannot be learned in the classroom alone, and so the carefully thought-out curriculum ensures that by the time a child leaves the Pre-Prep after Year 2, he or she has participated in a school drama production, has sung or played a musical instrument in front of an audience, has played a football match and has explored acres of woodland and built dens under the trees. As we set these challenges for the children they learn to lead, communicate and most importantly, how to support each other.

Inclusion from an early age

Our Pre-Prep, like many others, starts with the Nursery, which children enter at the age of three and there we begin by creating an environment that feels safe and focusses on positive reinforcement and kindness. The three year olds are also included in all Pre-Prep activities, whether it be one of our weekly assemblies, a theme day such as Maths Day or World Book Day or being part of one of our Pre-Prep houses. Very quickly they feel part of the Pre-Prep family and the testament to the success of this inclusion can be seen every morning in the way they run excitedly through the school gates.

You won’t go back!

It is a privilege to be part of a Pre-Prep, whether it be as a child, a member of staff or a parent. However, once you have seen what is on offer, it is impossible to look back at any other alternative!

Cheam is based in a 100-acre campus, with first class facilities, enabling their Pre-Prep children to use additional facilities such as the drama studio, The Nest (a dedicated well-being hub), swimming pool and extensive outdoor resources from climbing walls to assault courses. Take a look for yourself at their Open Morning on Friday 14th October. Parents can register at

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