Spotlight on Caroline Idiens

We are delighted to introduce Personal Trainer Caroline Idiens our new regular fitness contributor. Over the coming weeks Caroline will be on hand to help you get rid of the Christmas slump and to keep you motivated and energised through lockdown. We ask her how she got started.
Why did you become a Personal Trainer?
I had worked in advertising for many years but it was never my passion. I wanted to do something that I truly loved, for me that was fitness, and share it with others. As a PT you can show how exercise really can change your daily life and inspire others.
Did anyone inspire you along the way?
I had an Australian PT who totally changed my view on fitness and showed me how to achieve my goals in a sustainable way.
What’s the one exercise you do religiously?
Squats – I use them in every single workout I do whether it is in a strength class or in a HIIT workout. Such a great compound move incorporating big muscle groups.
And favourite piece of equipment?
My dumbbells!
Can anyone change their body shape?
Yes absolutely. Whether it be losing weight or toning up, everything is achievable along with nutrition advice and following a sensible and well written program. Often the hardest part is getting started. The important thing to remember is that consistency is key, you cannot expect results overnight but it will happen!
How do you motivate the couch potatoes?
It’s all about motivation. I always say little and often. It’s not about lifting heavy weights or running a marathon. Walk/jog with a friend just for 20 minutes to start. Put it in the diary and just go. Once it becomes a routine, a habit, you will start to enjoy it and it becomes part of your week. Follow someone online who motivates you or sign up to a class. Do a trial session. Once the benefits of exercise, both mental and physical start to show, you will never look back.
What are the pros of exercising online?
The practicality of training in your own home with no commute to a gym giving you more time back in your day. At home there is no element of competition, you work at your own pace. Just take your phone or laptop and you can workout wherever suits you.
Any future trends emerging within the exercise industry?
I would say it is all about maximising your time. Whereas years ago we spent hours on the treadmill, now we have HIIT classes and spin sessions in half that time. It is all about constantly challenging, mixing up our routines. New platforms such as the OnePeloton or Apple Fitness are continuously launching new ways to bring all fitness needs under one roof and be accessible from one device. Going digital is making fitness more accessible and more affordable.
What do you do to relax?
Walking my dogs and reading in the bath!
What is your motto for life?
Be yourself!
And finally, what are your aspirations for the future?
To continue to learn, to train. Ultimately to have my own product line and work with others in my field to provide a centre for health and wellness.