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Stay ‘Sun Safe’ all year round

As the weather drops, sun protection can get forgotten, but did you know sun cream is best applied all year around?  

Childs Farm Consultant and Leading dermatologist Dr Jennifer Crawley, believes re-education is needed when it comes to sun protection and is urging people to change their mindset that sun cream is just for holidays abroad or peak heatwaves. You can in fact get sun burnt on a ski holiday and on an autumn day. Here’s her ‘Golden Rules’ for staying safe in the sun all year round:

  • Apply at least two teaspoons for the head and neck area and two tablespoons for the body – you can’t apply too much, so use it liberally!
  • Whatever your skin type it’s best to use a sun cream with a high SPF of 30+ that will protect against both UVA and UVB rays, and to make sure your skin is looked after if it is sensitive.
  • Pay particular attention to forgotten areas such as the shoulders, back of the neck and behind the ears when applying.
  • Always keep babies under the age of six months out of direct sunlight.
  • Reapply numerous times throughout the day, remember you can’t apply too much!

Dr Crawley wants people to enjoy whilst staying safe: “Everyone should be able to enjoy the outdoors, so don’t let the sun hold you back, just reapply, reapply, reapply!”

If you are heading off to the Alps this winter Childs Farm and their friends at Dinoski are giving 15% off their adorable eco-friendly winterwear for kids with the code: CHILDSFARM.

Find out more about Childs Farm sun care range at

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