The ISEB Pre-test and how BE Education can help
As the ISEB Pre-Test becomes increasingly more important for students wishing to gain entry into selective senior schools, parents are often concerned about the lack of example questions that ISEB provide. At BE Education, we are launching our very own Senior School Application Assessment to give students the confidence they need to pass the ISEB Pre-Test.
What is the ISEB Pre-Test?
The ISEB is a respected and widely used online assessment for children moving from prep or primary school to selective secondary schools. The test is multiple choice and comprises of four sections: English, Maths, Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning and takes two-and-a-half hours to complete.
What makes it so challenging to prepare for the test independently?
The ISEB Pre Test, due to its very nature of identifying the potential of a student as well as attainment, does not provide past papers. This often makes parents worried about how they can best prepare their child for the assessments. It can be difficult to get to grips with the unfamiliar styles of the questions, especially the Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning sections, which many students will not have come across in their daily schooling. However, these questions are proved to be a reliable way to assessing a student’s problem-solving skills and logic.
How can BE Education help you prepare for the ISEB Pre-Test?
BE Education are launching our brand-new Senior School Application Assessment. This assessment has been purposefully designed to lend a helping hand to students sitting the ISEB Pre-Test. This service begins during year 5, where students can come to our offices and sit our initial ISEB assessment. This online assessment is designed to reflect the ISEB Pre-Test as much as possible. This assessment is then analysed by our Assessment team and they provide detailed feedback of your child’s current attainment level, setting out goals for improvement and suggestions to boost their current level. Your child will also have a mock interview with one of our senior education consultants, who have a wealth of experience preparing students for top senior school interviews. They will also sit our unique learning style assessment. This can show you as a parent what revision techniques best work for your child and how they learn and comprehend knowledge.
Over the next year, students will have regular assessments with us to monitor progress. They will be tested five times in total and given extensive feedback each time. You as a parent can be rest assured that your child is being adequately prepared for these difficult and competitive assessments. By the time they come to sit the ISEB Pre-Test in Year 6, they will be confident and familiar with the types of questions in the assessments and have the skillset and knowledge to correctly answer them.
BE Education are a global education company, developed over the past 18 years, offering premium education consulting and tutoring services to students looking to enrol in prestigious British schools, including top-tier prep and senior schools, as well as universities.
To register your interest in BE Education’s Senior School Application Assessment, please contact us at