Time to slap on the SPF! Lucia Ferrari shares her favourites

We’ve all been told how important it is to always wear an SPF on your face come rain or shine. Now that the sun is shining (at long last) it’s even more important. But where to start? There are so many to choose from. Luckily, our beauty guru Lucia Ferrari is on hand to pick the latest, best and reasonably priced options.
Lucia has just launched her exciting new beauty consultancy which offers a bespoke service, whether you’re interested in a skincare overhaul, a makeup bag update or access to her beauty address book be it where to go for the best hair colour, facial ,eyebrow specialist or aesthetic doctor.
Packages include:
The Skincare Edit – a personalised skincare regime tailored to your needs
The Tweakments Chat – introduction to the best practitioners who would be best for you
Access All Areas – skincare, makeup, tweakments and address book service
The Luxe Service – full beauty and personal shopping service.
Lucia Ferrari has worked as a beauty journalist for the past 25 years in glossy magazines and National newspapers. She currently writes about beauty and wellness for the Daily Mail and other publications. She spent over ten years in the beauty team at Harpers Bazaar and prior to that she launched the beauty pages at London’s Evening Standard’s ES Magazine.Lucia is passionate about skincare, makeup and the latest tweakments – but as a Mum of teens, is only interested in what really works and has no time for fads.Occasionally old school is best! When it comes to tweaks she’s very much of the less is more approach but is happy to report on the latest innovations.