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Caroline Foster’s pick of the Podcasts

Podcast popularity is on the rise, even as lockdown restrictions ease. We all love to immerse ourselves in the wonders of a good listen. Here Caroline Foster shares her top picks.


When I have the time I have a whole host of wonderful Podcasts, these are some of my favourites ……

I start every weekday morning listening to FT News Briefing which is a ten minute rundown of the most important global business stories, which sets me up for the day.

Arianna Huffington talks with people she loves and admires about the lessons they’ve learnt over the last twelve months.

“One episode that stays with me is – Alexis Ohanian, founder of Seven Seven Six and the husband of Serena Williams. I loved how he spoke of how he dealt with the warning his wife gave him when she told him he worked even harder than her, which wasn’t a compliment. Interesting to hear him speak of how he changed through setting boundaries, mindfulness and parenting.”

GOOP CEO and founder Gwyneth Paltrow hosts the brightest thinkers and culture changers.

“I loved listening and learning from Psychologist and author Edith Eger. Talking about her own story of surviving the Holocaust and finding a path toward healing and forgiveness. Incredibly humbling.”


Jay Shetty hosts his podcast sharing fascinating conversations with some of the most insightful people in the world.

“Listen to the episode with Martha Beck on how to let go of fear, stop listening to others and learn to trust yourself. Understanding what you really want and being true to yourself – it’s fascinating.”

Oprah Winfrey’s personal selection of her interviews with thought-leaders, best-selling authors, spiritual luminaries and health and wellness experts.

“One of my favourite episodes is my business hero, Bob Igor, CEO of Disney, talking about what makes a good leader. For him leadership is about being in a constant state of learning and to always lead with optimism.”

Andy Coulson talks to embattled, shamed, courageous, ruined and resilient survivors of crisis. His guests talk with honesty and humour and hope that they have valuable lessons to share at a time when crisis has become the new normal.

“So interesting listening to Hermant Oberoi, one of India’s best known chefs and a man who when faced with terrorists storming the Taj Hotel in Mumbai forged ahead with courage and selflessness. A powerful listen as we learn that sometimes a crisis can bring out the very best in humanity.”

For more lifestyle inspiration follow Caroline @carolinelfoster2

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